sexually arousing

“Your dynamic, sexually arousing, power packed, information gave me goose bumps.”

"We went to the mall last night and had the best time and I could tell that she was opening up to me. Better yet I was more focused on her, from just what I read and applied. Your material has woken me up which I certainly needed."

“Men Have Given Up Power In The Bedroom.”
I have joined the Revive Her Drive membership club for about a month now and have been meaning to give you some feedback. I am delighted with the level of support that I’ve had in terms of the emails and on a more personal level as well.

I started with the ‘Relationship Values Workbook’ and it has had positive effect already.

How I wish I had this information when I was in my youth!!!
Initially I was a bit put off by the idea of “seducing” women. Nice boys didn’t go round trying to seduce girls and nice girls didn’t get seduced. Things have changed a lot in 50 years!!

I am quite comfortable with idea in the context of Revive Her Drive.

The whole idea of the “masterful man” seems to fly in the face of 50 years of feminism. Have men in their endeavor to accommodate feminist ideals given up to much power, especially in the bedroom? I feel I have.

Thank you for the new life you are breathing into my relationship with my wife. It is very much appreciated.

“There Has Been A Wonderful Change In Her Attitude About Making Love”

“Since going over the “Relationship Values” with my wife there has been a wonderful change in her attitude towards making love. My wife hadn’t realised how much it meant to me and I hadn’t realised that it was important to her as well. Turning her on is just the beginning.

I am now immersing myself in the “4 Elements of Revival.” The idea of “Polarity” is something that I can relate too. Over the last 40 years I have given up many of my leadership roles largely due to depression. I feel that I have turned the corner and hope that positive changes in my relationship with my wife will further build upon this.

I am excited to think that this is just the start! The idea of “Oneness” seems very similar to Tantric lovemaking and is something that has always been a very desirable state of mind, body, and soul to me."
It's been good for the past two weeks. I have had sex with her attaining amazing orgasms. I hopeful it will continue to get better. Suz why cant you advertise your programme widely? Millions of men in the whole world are suffering with this problem and have no single idea of what is going on. I must say I have seen the results but I still have a good journey to do before I bring her back to good consistent sexual life. Please continue with this important work. But how come the medical field has missed this important information?

“Millions of men in the whole world are suffering with this problem.”

After twenty-five years of marriage, my wife and I really need some revival in our intimacy. A lot of water has gone under the bridge and your program is starting to shows signs of putting some heat back into that water, but I definitely need some refreshing of my seduction skills. I have confidence that these materials will help me get back in the game with renewed vigor.

“After twenty five years of marriage, I have confidence that these materials will help me get back in the game with renewed vigor.”

“Listening to your talk on the “Lust Triggers” webinar was like extracting pure Gold from a mine. Fantastic!"

"I have just finished listening to the full webinar. You know what, I 100% agree with you, especially on the biology. It explains why so many men leave their wives for girlfriends because the romance just vanishes – despite spending so much money to please their wives.

What you have described in this webinar is exactly what is happening in my marriage.

My first task would be to overcome her resistance, because it is really stiff. I am happy I now know what to do. My other challenge would also be to overcome her fatigue, which is always in her despite doing as little work as possible.

The majority of the men don’t know this fact about women. Men are so miserable as they don’t know what to do. Its a sad situation. Many thanks Susan and kind regards.

I just put up a new forum post as a reply to my plea for help a couple of weeks back. You both took precious time out to help me out and I remain utterly grateful for what you offered.

My wife, whom I dearly love, has struggled with a phobia for 29 years. You might recall we are in therapy. Well OK, the therapy probably did some of the trick but I have absolutely no doubt the things I learnt from you and your colleagues helped us build a safe space for her to challenge herself and throw out some of her problems! I’ve seen warm, positive changes happen in her since I took up the course, but the awesome change she made stole my breath right away! The details are in the forum post.

These changes would not have happened if I had continued in my ‘old’ frame of mind. I now know I was focusing on all the wrong things.

We men HAVE to change, and learn how to respect, love, cherish, and support our ladies. You showed me that! It is not me that is reaping the benefit – it is my wife. And she deserves every bit of it! And because she is healing we both benefit and I am finding we awake to a new experience!

“I understand now it is NOT manipulation to have a vision for where you want your relationship to go.”

If anyone has any hesitation buying your programs for fear of being left on their own after they get the program, let this show how wrong they would be. You truly DO want us to succeed with our current partner, not just give up or suffer in silence."

I think the best advise I took from this discussion was to slow down and “Remember the steps and the order of those steps. First romance her heart and mind. Then add in the senses and sensual romance strategies which bring sensual pleasure into both your lives every single day.

Then and only then, when you are getting responses from romance and sensual pleasure, add in seduction.” I think too often as men we just want to fix things and then be done but this is a process that will take time (the rest of our lives) to fully develop.

Especially if we “have many years of habit to unwind…” We need to remember to “Take a deep breath and delight in baby steps of progress. And remember too, that this is a process in which you will take steps backward as well as forward, but ultimately you are moving forward.” I KNOW this can be frustrating (believe me I do) but I think by encouraging each other in the process, it helps to dissipate some of the anger and frustration that we so!
I especially appreciated when you said, “If you romance her to warm her heart, if you bring her sensual pleasure… that is not coercion, darling. That is your divine masculine energy, your vision, leadership, love, respect for the goddess, joy, delight, human connection. Bring it to her. Open your little flower with the warmth of your love and your lust for her.”

Also being married for over 20 years, I now recognize the classic “nice guy” trap of not wanting to manipulate your partner. I understand now it is NOT manipulation to have a vision for where you want your relationship to go, they are still free to not follow your vision if they choose, but it is certainly better than no vision at all which just leads to frustration because they don’t know what you want. Thanks again for the great discussion (and the audio interviews!) You certainly go above and beyond!

“My story so far is that fantastic things have happened in the little over a months time I have been with Revive Her Drive.”

"I was shocked how fast the turn around was although I am currently at a resistance point. So I have to go back and rework in that area. Your story inspires me to keep going. Unfortunately for me, I get frustrated quickly and feel like its not working and this frustration can occur very quickly… and I need the story repeated over and over that tells me yes this does work… LOOK AROUND YOU.

When you say, “hey here is the experience, here is what happened (strength) and here are the results (hope).” I listen.

Case and Point…..You said kiss her eyelids…..I said to myself yeah right…..I resisted…now; thankfully I have been trained to take successful people’s “models” and do what they suggest regardless of how I feel. So I chose to do it anyway. The results???? She loved it! Now she sometimes lines up for it lol.
This also happened with the foot massage suggestion. I thought why the hell would she want me to rub her feet? I did it and she liked it. As a matter of fact it indirectly led us to our first sensual massage that evening. We used avocado oil as you suggested… I was ready with the oil and had told her I was going to ask her to take part in a sensual massage no strings attached several weeks ago…

I am grateful you chose to do this work and share it with others. I have seen so far that there has not been one instance….NOT ONE….where you have misguided me.