Revive Her Drive Can’t Help Everyone

Revive Her Drive Can’t Help Everyone

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. I’m not interested in being to blame anymore, and I’m at a relatively happy place, where her lack of interest, my increasing age, and my being occupied with things other than sex (running, gaming, sleeping) are combining to give her what she wants – no sex.

I think that you do your subscribers a disservice by making them responsible for her arousal – maybe it’s inevitable, due to inherent physiology and psychology. I hope that this continues to work for you as a money maker, and I hope that there are some couples that this can work for. I am the couple…), and it was just a financially painful lesson to learn.

“You Opened Up New Pleasure Playing Fields For Us”

The first thing that helped me was the understanding of how much erectile tissue is available for pleasurable stimulation. I’m now taking much more time to stimulate this erectile tissue to engorgement.

Relating my penis engorgement pleasure to a woman’s anatomy was easy for me to grasp and gives me more confidence to know what I am doing with my woman.

Her sexual responses and orgasmic response are definitely encouraging.

because Susan in her “Seduction Summit” (within Revive Her Drive) provides an in depth survey, interviews and hard copy of wide panel of experts (including Calle and David) and at the risk of sounding like even more of a shill… it is pure genius!

Dr. Patti Taylor, (in RHD) has taught me to touch a woman and set the physical and mental stage that gives my touch greater presence and impact. That said, be careful with this stuff, be like Shogun, If your insincere or are trying too hard to please her

Pay more attention to what is in between the steps instead of the steps themselves. I am the proud owner of TheMarriageYouWant (Calle Zorro) Revive Her Drive (Susan Bratton) and Dr Patti’s Expand her Orgasm Tonight material. As David Shade said (about his own material) “learning all of this information at once is like drinking from a fire hose.” 

I categorize my self as a “Guy” who used to hide behind the good cooking and the material gifts that perhaps served more of my own ego than hers (I still like to cook). I now understand why she is reluctant to accept gifts and rebuffs my offers to take our sexual relationship to another level when I place more importance on the ego based “gift” or “next level” instead of being present in that journey. 

My hot house orchid (thanks Clive – another RHD member from the Forum) is; yes, somewhat PG-13, and while we have sex all of the time and loves my sultry fantasy stories I tell her in bed, she’s a bit reluctant to experience the total loss of control an Expanded Orgasm would bring.