Rebuild Marriages

It’s amazing how many relationship issues are because men are blindly selfish. I’m sure women can be to, but men need to lead both out of the dark and into the light.

"Just want to say that I love listening to your Revive Her Drive, program. I like the way you interact with your professional guests. You have a very attractive voice, enthusiastic and fun presentation is what caught my attention. It is a sheer pleasure just to listen too you."

“I love listening to your Revive Her Drive program.”
Your family life lessons have built a strong understanding of who a woman is and also I have known my needs and the woman's need in a relationship. Indeed you are a timely counselor for serious spouses in all social human groups. May God continue using you to build many collapsing marriage relationships worldwide.

“May God Continue Using You To Rebuild Marriages Worldwide”

Female participant here - just out of a long term relationship ... if my partner would have implemented these items - we may have had a chance. Expecting and anticipating - no doubt here - to find happiness and satisfaction (DAILY) in the near future.

"If my partner would have implemented these items – we may have had a chance. "

All of the materials are *excellent*. It's wonderful to have an experienced woman help one understand the steps and mental shifts one needs to make in order to create the kind of wonderful, connected, intimate sexual relationship both partners want. One concept stood out above all of the others: Helping my woman trust and open up to her deepest sexual desires is a gift I give to her. How amazingly beautiful!" I Give Her The Gift Of Opening Her To Her Deepest Sexual Desires

“I only deceived myself and tried to deceive my wife and manipulate.”

I so love you for this program and many men (and women) need your help. I Love your conversation with Karen Brody. Mainly because of self development and realizing a really simple thing. Many men find themselves in the Catch-22. They don’t help around the house or other things because they feel resentment about never getting blow jobs or having bad sex or not enough sex. Likewise the woman is annoyed with her man because he’s kind of an annoying guy!

But once I went on a self journey starting with your friend, Calle Zorro of TheMarriageYouWant, I realized that I was really not a very quality man. I only deceived myself and tried to deceive my wife and manipulate. I love your program so far, I love your voice too. You’re a very skilled intelligent interviewer, I’m so impressed with you.

I am going to throw in, arguing or having unnecessary discussing with your wife or husband. You are correct when you in your assertion that our minds are too full of shit to concentrate on the finer things in life. I am going to start spending more of my time and money getting to know you better in order to realize my maximum sexual potential.