Lifelong Passion and Seduction

Lifelong Passion and Seduction

Why You Can TRUST Revive Her Drive To Help You She Completed Her Relationship Values And We Had Sex Right Away

I finally got the nerve to print your relationship values worksheet, write in my values, and hand it to her last night while she was watching television as usual.

She completed her list diligently and promptly; we had sex right away.

My wife has lots of resistance as she was raised religiously and raped as a child. Zero oral.

Thank you so much for your expert assistance.

I’ve been reading all the emails the last six months & I’m now fully convinced of your sincerity & desire to help others.

‘The 4 Elements of Revival’ are very critical concepts and governing principals that I NEVER knew about.”

Wow, really good stuff so far. "You impress me so much with your ability to describe such a variety of exquisite erotic sensations so eloquently and precisely and appreciatively for us men. “Sweet, sexy, sensual, scary-smart Suz.” I've told SO many men about your program, and I'm guessing that you've made a few sales of off that - they've all been excited about the concept. Keep up the great work!

“I Even Told My Mother How Great I Think Your Work Is!”

"I am delighted that I found your work. I am absolutely overwhelmed with joy "cloud 9" that I am learning/have learned the difference between lust and love and that the walls I built are coming down. My wife is becoming my friend. That is completely awesome."

“Within 3 Days Our Communication Is Warmer… Better!”

The real power of what I am reading and learning on the Revive Her Drive course is two-fold. Firstly I am learning what women want, from women and being written in a way a man can understand. They are powerful and solid messages.

Already I’ve taken her out for a special evening using Small Offers, and tried the mirroring (and it worked!).  I am wholeheartedly grateful I took the plunge and bought it.

I’m a very old-fashioned, reserved Englishman so the bright, sparkly USA approach can be quite alien for me.
But you and your guests are so positive and upbeat, I have no trouble engaging with and enjoying the content and learning from it.

"I’ve not had time to apply anything in just a couple of hours but I’ve already learnt some very interesting things – looking on my own struggling relationship – make real sense and will be very easy to adopt.

As a typical ‘reserved’ Englishman I had many personal doubts buying into your strong US-style ‘persuasion marketing’ of this product – though your integrity I never doubted. Already I am glad I bought into your course.

“As a typical ‘reserved’ Englishman I had many personal doubts buying into your strong US-style ‘persuasion marketing’ of this product – though your integrity I never doubted.”

"THANK YOU! I had an interesting discussion with a friend today. 

I told him how I felt my wife's resistance to want to grow with me. “I am coming off cloud 9 from the excitement of owning Revive Her Drive.”

“About a week ago my wife had her first ever vaginal orgasm, which was really exciting.”

"Men are just so goal oriented as you know. About a week ago my wife had her first ever vaginal orgasm which was really exciting. I quickly made sure to express that if I have any goals its to create a close loving fulfilling relationship and i’d like to think of an orgasm as an expression of love that happens naturally when your relationship is based on love.

There is no step by step process to fix or repair your wife or relationship. You point out how you provide the house not the design. You give men the framework of knowledge, when they apply it and become more attentive men who act out of love and compassion vs. thinking of how to manipulate someone to get what they want, then they end up being fulfilled in return.